posted @ 2010年9月08日 10:08
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Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim fileContents As String fileContents = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath & "\Test1.txt") Dim d() = Split(fileContents, " x ") Dim n1 = d(0), n2 = d(1) Dim Len = n1.Length * 2 Dim str1 = Space(Len) & n1 & vbNewLine & Space(Len) & n2 & vbNewLine & "--------------------" & vbNewLine For i As Integer = n1.Length To 1 Step -1 If Mid(n2, i, 1) = "0" Then str1 = str1 & Space(len) & StrDup(n1.Length, "0") & vbNewLine Else str1 = str1 & Space(len) & n1 & vbNewLine End If len = len - 1 Next Dim x = c10to2(c2to10(n1) * c2to10(n2)) str1 = str1 & "--------------------" & vbNewLine & Space(len) & x My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath & "\result1.txt", str1, False) End End Sub Function c2to10(ByVal x As String) Dim c = 0 Dim n = x.ToString For i As Integer = n.Length To 1 Step -1 If Mid(n, i, 1) = "1" Then c = c + (2 ^ (n.Length - i)) Next Return c End Function Function c10to2(ByVal y As String) Dim x = Val(y) Dim str1 = "" Do Until x = 1 Or x = 0 str1 = IIf(x Mod 2 = 0, "0" & str1, "1" & str1) x = x \ 2 Loop str1 = IIf(x = 0, "0" & str1, "1" & str1) Return str1 End Function End Class
2022年12月21日 22:21
The code for multiplying binary numbers is shared here. This code is designed to help students understand how to multiply engagement rings binary numbers. This code is not meant to be used for commercial purposes.
2023年1月01日 15:36
Binary multiplication is a bit different than what you're used to in decimal multiplication. As with all binary operations, you start by multiplying the first digit of the top number by the first digit of the bottom number, and so forth. However, you also have to keep track of the "carried over" bits. Whenever the product of two digits is greater than Effects of CBD Edibles 1, you take the carried over bit and add it to the next column.
2023年1月16日 13:39
The Skills Competition Simultaneous Formulas challenge is a great way to test your knowledge of mathematics. In this challenge, you will be given a list of simultaneous equations and asked to solve them. CBD coupon This is a great opportunity to show off your skills and knowledge of mathematics.